Monday, October 12, 2015

Disneyland...for one last time

Our annual passes are expiring in October, so I thought we would do Disney one more time while Jason was in China.  We got dressed and hit the road...sweatbands and all
Our first stop was the teacups...great.  At least we didn't have to wait in line..I concentrated on not barfing
Next, we hit up Small World and didn't have to wait in any line for that ride either.  Out of all the rides, I believe this one is still their favorite.
Trevin is really into asking me "Why.." questions.  And then I am forced to make up some silly answer to his questions.  For example:  "Mama, why is he mad?"  "Well, I think he ate too much candy and now his belly hurts".
"Mama, why that sun happy?"  "Hmmm, well he is listening to all of the kids sing and it makes him smile really big because he likes kids".  It is really hard to think of answers on the spot!
We then headed to the small roller coaster in Toon Town which is another favorite.  The problem is, there are three of us and the boys are too young to sit together...they each need an adult.  So, this nice lady agreed to watch Trev while I went with Ryden and then she watched Ry while I went with Trev.  Thank goodness for nice people.
 Not much to do in Toon Town so we did a mini photo shoot so we had some pictures to send to Dada in China
Buzz we come!
 Trevin then had to try on a sweatshirt in the gift shop.
 Wow!  Don't we all look so excited to ride on the carousel...
 I caught Trevin in the middle of him saying "NO MORE PICTURES MAMA!"
 Sword in the Stone.  Way to commit to the photo Ryden
 Time for our Star Tours fast pass.  After the ride ended Trevin said "I didn't like that at all".  You and me both kid..
My kids are both tall enough for the big rides:  Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Big Thunder, etc..but the NEVER want to do those!  So we were pretty much done with Disneyland and ate some quick lunch...then headed over to California Adventure.
Before we had a chance to ride any rides...Trevin passed out.  So Ryden and I got a churro and chilled in the shade to escape the heat.
Trev finally woke up and we headed to the Little Mermaid ride.  The most exciting part of that ride for the boys was when their shoes were glowing.
One of my favorite rides is Soarin'.  I'm so glad both boys are tall enough to go on it.
Time for some Mater!  This line was super short!  Pretty stoked about that.  The CARS ride is still ridiculously long so that one was a no go for us.
 Next, we headed to Bugs Land and rode a few of those little rides that the boys love.
This caterpillar ride is the shortest ride and not very exciting.  But the boys always want to go on it.  Probably because there is never a line.
They were excited that they got to sit together.
 I promised the boys a lollipop so I made good on my promise and then we peaced out.  Good times Disneyland!