Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Well look at that.  It's almost Christmas and I'm finally getting around to blogging about Halloween!  I started off the day by getting my makeup done by none other than Darth Vader.
After I dropped Darth off at preschool, we headed to Ryden's school for an awesome Halloween Parade.
 Ry dressed up as Hans Solo and it was fun to see so many Star Wars peeps.  So we got a few together and snapped some pics.
Time for the parade.  It was super sunny and hot outside which doesn't make for the best pictures.  Ry's good friend Cody is obsessed with police officers so of course he dressed like one..
 The first graders...Mrs. Rios class
 A few more..
I love that I get to watch all the kids parade around in their costumes.  I also got sucked in to being the room photographer for the yearbook so I had to be paparazzo as well.
 The whole class with some really bad shadows on their faces.  What kind of yearbook photographer am I?
 Hans Solo was so ready to take off that costume since it was about two sizes too big.
After hanging with Ry's class, I then jetted over to Trevin's preschool to witness his amazing parade.  All the kids waiting for their turn to walk...Darth Vader hiding in the shadows
It was seriously about 98 degrees outside so mad props to Trev for keeping that darn mask on the whole time
The kids got to walk the circle twice.  I think I cheered the loudest...I got a slight wave from the Vader
That night we carved pumpkins to get ready for the big Halloween Day.
The next night we headed to our friends house for some trick-or-treating.  She lives on a walk street in Manhattan Beach which means no cars can drive through her block...amazing!  We met up with the Smith girls and my BFF Tessa.  If I wasn't Princess Leia, I would've been Elsa and Tessa would've been Anna.  Maybe next year if she hasn't found a new BFF.
The Abelson's (or superhero family) hung with us as well.  This is Alexander and Theresa.  Alexander has a brother named Andrew.  So Trevin has started calling Alexander "AndrewZander" instead.  
 Ryden and Andrew
 Trevin is very into telling people how old he is.  I believe he was telling these homeowners that he is four.
 The goods
Big bowls of candy for grabs at all the houses.  Our kind of neighborhood!
 These two cheeseballs are the best.  Always together #TessAndTrev 
 The Star Wars family....man those buns are heavy ;)
Good ole Adam met up with us as well.
 And my awesome mama friend Andrea...the kids decided they wanted to trick or treat more!
 Jason's co-worker John lives a few blocks from where we were so we decided to stop by and say hi.  It was much quieter in his neck of the woods even though it was like one street down.  John played the piano for the boys and they LOVED it!!
John's wife, Yumi, is pregnant and Trevin is fascinated by this.  He always touches her belly and talks to it.  Trevin and the "tummy monster" (as Yumi calls the baby) have a special bond.  John and Yumi are waiting to find out the sex..Trevin is certain it is a girl.
 Well, since I am so late with this post..John and Yumi have had the baby.  It was a girl, and she weighed 7lbs 11oz just like Trevin! Special bond indeed. 
 One pic of a few of my girls...
 Back home and sorting through the candy.  Both boys held up Kit Kat's and said.."Papa's favorite"!
And I am that girl...the day after Halloween and the tree is up!  #dontjudge