Monday, May 4, 2009

Lindsey and Andrew's Wedding

This weekend we attended the beautiful wedding of one of my best friends. I have known Lindsey for over 10 years and actually shared a room with her when I first moved out to California. So I was so excited to see her walk down the aisle. The wedding was perfect. It was in Huntington Beach at the Hilton right across from the actual beach. The weather was perfect and Lindsey looked stunning! Andrew even teared up during the ceremony. It was so nice to see everyone that I am used to seeing every day but haven't since I have been on maternity leave. I even squeezed my 38 week belly into a dress and some low heels for the occasion. But by the end of the night I was so ready to be in my sweats! We had such a great time and wish Andrew and Lindsey all the best! Love you guys!
Lindsey and her dad walking down the aisle

The beautiful bridesmaids
Mr. & Mrs. Simon

38 week belly

I miss my Alex!

I haven't seen Crystal since before I had a basketball in my stomach!

The happy couple
The Jason's being weird
The girls!