Monday, May 25, 2009

RYDEN MACMASTER - DAD's VERSION: Jason MacMaster is 1 proud father!

Wow - what an experience!! It was by far the most exciting and truly amazing day we have ever had and for some reason, although I didn't physically have the baby - I was still exhausted after. We might give it at least year before making Ryden a baby sister ;)
Here are a few quick highlights from the day (not in order of occurance).
1. MY SLEEPING ARRANGEMENT: It was a minature lazy boy minus the soft padding and you had to hold your foot in the crevis when it extended to keep it from folding back. Thus, while I tried to sleep at night there were multiple times when it folded back up to an upright position without me knowing causing my entire body to almost fly off the chair.

2. AMY MACMASTER: Not that I didnt think she was tough before, but after this experience - I have a new respect for her.. She was such a trooper throughout the entire labor and didnt yell at me once which was nice.. haha. Our Lamaze classes actually came in handy and she pushed through all of the contractions like a champ. I love that girl!

3. RYDEN's BIRTH: I was breathing and pushing with Amy until I almost passed out. The doctor starting laughing so I decided to just focus on the birth.. Yes - I watched the entire thing and it was amazing! Again - Amy did a great job!

4. SEEING HIM FOR THE FIRST TIME: I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. Words cannot express my emotions of joy! I went to go tell the family and cried like a lil girl - tears of happyness because I have overacted tear ducts - hehe. Jason MacMaster is one PROUD daddy!
5. OUR DOCTOR: This dude rolls up in an Ed Hardy tee and purposedly bumps me in the hallway.. I turn around and he was like, "Yo Brother, you ready to get this baby thing going or what." Always nice to have some humor around. In the last nine months, Dr Biter has become a good friend and did an amazing job delivering our lil Ryden.

I have to rush off and feed the other kids Tyson and Molly who have been staying at my mothers house (right down the street) so Im outy.. Here is a few more pictures. We love this lil guy SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!