Monday, February 1, 2010

Wild Animal Park

Last time I went to the Wild Animal Park I was about 8 months pregnant.  This time I had an 8 month old with me.   Claire came solo (without Oliver) and offered to be a second mommy to Ryden for the day. Hun and Moses also came along for the ride.  Ryden was super excited from the get-go.  He was banging on his stroller and screaming with joy before we even entered the park. 

It was a little chilly at first but then it warmed up and turned out to be a pretty day.  We got there early so it wasn't crowded at all.  Ryden slowly lost interest and then finally passed out for about 20 minutes.  After his short power nap he was ready to go.  Too bad Moses and Hun had to leave because it was time for his nap.  Claire came with us on the tram that takes you around the park.  Ryden LOVED LOVED this!  The minute we started moving he was kicking his legs and yelling with excitement.  His little hair was blowin' in the wind and he just loved staring out at the animals.  It made my day!  Daddy has been super sick the past few days and was sad he didn't get to come.

Not too amused with the elephants.  This was shortly before his power nap

Doin' some site seeing.  Check out the lion right by Hun and Moses

These next pictures are all taken on the tram ride....Ryden's favorite!
Hangin' with Mrs. Claire..

We will be back soon!