Monday, February 15, 2010

Disneyland......DAY 4...the final day

Our fourth and final day at Disneyland was just as fun as all the other days.  We started off at California Adventure and made sure we hit all the rides.  It was not crowded at all which was great.  The Toy Story ride was so much fun but we all had to wear the silly 3D glasses.  Ryden didn't seem to interested.
What Ryden WAS interested in was the Ferris Wheel.  I let him stand up on the seat and look out.  He thought that was the greatest thing in the world.  His little hair was blowin' in the wind and he was bouncing up and down

Of course we rode the carousel and also hung out with some more Disney favorites

Group shot

The Pink Ladies- GG sure did look pretty!

Ryden with a mouth full of green beans

More scenic shots

Loves Grandpa

Besides the stop sign store...this was the only other thing that interested Jakey....yes...that's a garbage can!  He loved slamming the lid.  Tons of rides and this is what he would rather do :)

Oh and stepping on "tunnels"

After a few hours at California Adventure we felt we had done all we needed to do and headed over to Disneyland.  We then rode on (of course) Haunted Mansion and a few other rides.  We ended the night with a trip to Toon Town and then a final "It's a small world" run. 

Minnie's house

What a GREAT GREAT trip this was.  I miss everyone dearly and wish I could re-live that week over and over.  Happy Birthday to Jacob and Ben.  Thanks for letting me celebrate with you and Mickey.  It was nice to see all the little cousins together.  So loving.  Everyone needs to come back soon.