Sunday, February 21, 2010

Let it snow

This weekend we took Ryden up to Big Bear for his first snow adventure.  Also, Jason wanted to snowboard so we rented a cabin and brought along Auntie Melinda, Claire & Corey, and Mike and Amy. 

One of the rooms in the cabin had bunk beds...Ryden LOVED the top bunk.

  I also wanted to try snowboarding again since I didn't get to go last season but that didn't happen.  I am sure we will be going up there again and I will have other snowboarding opportunities.  The first day Jason went snowboarding we took Ryden along so he could watch.  Yeah...wasn't happy at all!  It was during his nap time and it was a little cold outside.  He did get a little happier when Jason put him on the snowboard.  We also sat him down in the snow but all he wanted to do was eat it.  

 We stayed to watch Daddy ride down the mountain once and then Melinda and I headed back to the cabin for naptime! 

The only other time he was happy:  Standing on his own

Hangin with Auntie Melinda

Jason trying to make the boy smile


We put Ryden in the baby bjorn and took a walk which he seemed to enjoy

Corey and Claire came on Friday night super late because of traffic.  I had gone to bed before they got there.  The next morning I went to say hi and notice the boys dressed the same.  So cute

Possibly one of my favorite moments of the trip (besides playing Apples to Apples) was when we took the boys sledding. was really for our enjoyment since the babies practically froze but it sure was fun!

Not going to lie...Claire and I were a little scared to try sledding so we made the boys go first.  After we saw that it wasn't so bad we went...but on a much less steep hill:



When we got home, babe was so frozen so we put him with Auntie Melinda to warm him up.  Little Rudolph nose.

Also, one day while J was snowboarding we took a few shots of the babes in the snow by our house

The Martin's


And finally....when we left it was snowing.  It was so pretty!