Tuesday, February 23, 2010


WEIGHT: 19lbs (little for his age)
LENGTH:  28 3/4 inches (tall boy)
FAVORITE TOY:  Leap frog activity table.  It plays all kinds of music and lights up.  Loves it!
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Watching Daddy beat box, walking around the coffee table (he would do this all day if I let him), swinging at the park
MILESTONES:  Bends down to pick stuff up, stands for a looong time on his own, waves bye-bye, walks almost all by himself, eats big boy food (steamed carrots, cottage cheese, egg yolks, crackers)
DISLIKES:  Being held.  Wants to get down and walk
MOM'S FAVORTIE:  Seeing what a good boy he was at Disneyland for four days and how much he loved being around the family.  Watching his expression on "It's a small world"
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Watching him stand/walk (Ry gets so excited when he stands on his own), playing the "where's Ryden" game, putting him on a snowboard