Monday, February 15, 2010

Today....we rest

Since I had to take Cody to the airport, the rest of the family decided to take a break from Disney as well.  But on the way to the airport, after a conversation with my dad, Cody decided she better check the status of her flight.  Thanks to modern day technology, we were able to find out that her flight was cancelled before we drove all the way down there.  Back east seemed to be having a lot of weather issues....bad for them....good for us because we got to keep Cody.  She decided the best flight for her to take would be on Saturday because she would avoid several layovers.  That meant an extra 2 1/2 days with her which also meant she would be joining us for another round at Disneyland!  We called and told the family the news so they drove down to my hood and hung out with us for the day.  Although my house is not as cool as Disneyland we did have some good times.  We took a walk...played some apples to apples..watched Yo Gabba Gabba...and Ryden impressed with his dance moves:

Baby Emma loves Aunt Cody

Drivin' the car in the house