Friday, April 23, 2010


WEIGHT:  20.9
HEIGHT:  29"
FAVORITE TOY:  Although she is not a toy, Ryden loves Tyson.  He likes to stand up and hold on to Tyson while "petting" her and yelling.  Poor Tyson just gives us the "help me" eyes.  But deep down I know she loves him giving her attention.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  By far....walking...walking....and MORE WALKING!  Ry wants to walk everywhere.  Forget this whole crawling thing...we are a big boy now.  I turn my head for a second and he has walked halfway across the room.  Also, still loves the stairs and loves taking things out of places (ie, papers out of trash, mommy's makeup out of her makeup bag....)
MILESTONE:  He has been walking for awhile now but a few weeks ago he actually started walking..walking.  Before it was a few steps here and there.  Now, he stands up...lets go..and takes off!  This is such a huge milestone and boy am I busy these  days.  Can't take my eyes off of him for a second.  Also, he is getting his two upper teeth and one more on the bottom.  So that will make a total of five teeth!
DISLIKES:  Being picked up.  Oh he will throw a fit!  Throw his head back and start whining.  I don't think so kid!  I am not ready for the fit throwing stage!
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Seeing him walk.  Best thing ever!!!  He concentrates so hard and his little fingers move so fast to help him balance.  And he gets so proud when he makes it to his destination on his own.  I also love how he was so good with all the new people he met on our vacation.  No stranger danger for this one.  He loves people!
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Loves when Ryden lights up when Daddy walks in the room.  Loves giving Ryden his bath.  Splish Splash time!  And loves putting the boy to bed.

This boy amazes us more and more each day and is growing up so fast!  We love you little boy and are so happy you are in our lives!