Monday, April 26, 2010

Day of fun Sea World style

Since Daddy always has to work while I get to take Ryden to all these cool places, we decided we should let Daddy have some fun with the boy.  We headed off to Sea World.  First thing Ryden did when we got there?
Passed out
So Jason and I walked around for awhile while Ry took a nap.  It was rather cold and chilly so Jason decided against riding on the ride that seemed to be getting people wet.  Instead we just took a picture in front of it.

We saw the coolest looking dolphins and I was sad Ryden was sleeping because he would have loved them!  They looked like minature killer whales
With Ryden still sleeping we decided to go see the penguins.  As if it wasn't cold was freezing in there!  I was tempted to steal Ryden's blanket!  Bad idea to wear shorts...I was trying to tan my whiter than white legs but that is hard to do with no sun!  Ryden woke up in the middle of the penguin presentation and was in awe!

On to the Shamu show...both of us haven't seen this show in a long time and admit we got a little teary eyed.  Oh, we love you!
They asked for a volunteer and Ryden was happy to oblige (oh photoshop..we love you!)

Next we went to the Seasame Street Bay of Play....
Finally...Jason played some carnival games to try and win some stuffed animals.  Let me first mention how he spent $13 on a stuffed Shamu.  Then for about $10 he won two mini sting rays...and this huge one:
What are we going to do with that??  hahah
We saw some sharks also and did lots and lots of walking (such a big boy)

We had such a fun time.  Luckily we have two year passes.  Shamu we will be seeing you again....soon