Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We heart New York (day 2)

On our second day, Jason had meetings to attend so that left me in the hands of Max and Katie.  They drove down from Jersey to hang with me and the boy.  I was so happy to see them because otherwise I would have had to wander the streets aimlessly and for those of you who know me, I am directionaly challenged!  Even with the help of google maps I can manage to get lost.  So it was a joy to spend the day with Katie (who was an excellent tour guide) and Max (well what can we say about Max...if you were at our wedding he was the best man...enough said).  We packed Ryden in the stroller and walked to Central Park.  Did I mention it was about 85 degrees in New York?  We went to the Central Park zoo and stared at the animals (or empty cages because the animals seemed to be trying to stay out of the heat.  Smart animals!)  We had a blast!

Of all of the animals I think Ryden liked the penguins the best.  I also think it was only because they were in an enclosed room where it was nice and cool..
He also liked watching the red panda with Katie

                             Max being Max                                                              The boy being a bunny
After the zoo we just strolled around Central Park for awhile. 
Poor Max and Katie...I kept making them stop to take pictures...this area was one of my favorite photo ops...
After a long day of sight-seeing and walking, we were starving!  We met up with a few more friends and all headed to dinner.  Morgan is one of my sister's best friends and she was able to come to dinner after a break from her stressful "being a lawyer" week.  I haven't seen her in awhile so we pretty much talked the entire night.  So good to see you Fat Face!!!  She was amazed at what a good baby Ryden was and was starting to become a baby person due to Ryden.

Jason's friend Dave also came to dinner with us

After keeping Ryden up until about 11:00pm we decided to head back to the hotel...He is turning into quite the night owl!