Monday, April 12, 2010

New York...NEW YORK!!!! (day 1)

    We are back from our week-long adventure on the East Coast.  First stop....New York City.  Ryden was a champ on the 4 1/2 hour flight.  Slept for about 30 minutes and the rest of the time was as happy as can be.  He had a little trouble adjusting to the 3 hour time difference and woke us up in the middle of the night and was ready to party.  After a bottle and a little play time he was back asleep and slept in pretty late.  He needed his rest because we had a lot of standing in line to do the next day.  Yes, we went to the Empire State Building and no, probably won't do that again.  It was a full day of standing in line just to stay up top for about 15 minutes.  But we did get some great shots!  Jason's co-worker Ashley came along for the adventure.

Ryden loved looking at the piegons....

After our loooong wait to get down from Empire...we met up with Stacey who lives in the city.  She met Ryden when he was a little baby so she said it was nice to see how much he has grown
That night we met up with more friends.  It is a good thing that Ryden is so chill with anyone because he sure got introduced to a lot of people.  We went to dinner with Cameron and Grace in Time Square.  Cameron and Jason have been friends for a very long time and this was the first time he got to meet Ryden.  After dinner we took Ryden to see all the lights which he of course loved.