Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Hampshire here we come!

After our wonderful time in New York, we headed to the train station to catch a train to Boston.  That is where Cody was picking us up and then onward to New Hampshire...her neck of the woods.  It was fun watching Ryden's eyes as he tried to look at all the passing scenery. 
When we got there it was rainy and COLD!  Such a change from the hot weather in NYC.  My sister and John live in Concord, NH and it is such a cute little town although we didn't see much of it the first night we arrived.  We just had enough time for dinner and then bed!  Ryden was not havin' it at dinner.  It was the first time he had ever been fussy in a resturant which was a great first impression for Uncle John :)  But in his defense he was super tired from the long day we had.
Aunt Cody was great...walked the boy around and even read to him to calm him down
The next day we headed up to another little town about an hour away but not before Mr. Stinky got a bath!  He was excited to get a sink bath!

Since there are NO breakfast places in Concord that is one of the main reasons we drove to the other town.  I think Ma & Pa will recognize the bfast place we ate at. And yes, in the tradition of PT Patti we posed in front for a picture
The town was great!  But it was rather cold and super windy!  But that didn't stop us from doing some shopping and taking more photos.  John and Cody are sooo great with Ryden!  They aren't afraid to just grab him from us and be silly with him.  I love that about them!

We walked to a place called Strawberry Banke.  This town is filled with sooo much history.  All the buildings are from the 1700's/1800's.

We were trying to get a picture of the sign but John decided to pose in front of it..haha..and please don't ask what pose I am doing.  PS...in the below photos, please try to find the BEST picture of John Byrne's hair
Another cool tree I had to take a picture under..poor John!