Sunday, May 2, 2010

6th time

Yes...Ryden got to go to Disneyland for the SIXTH time...yes he is only 11 months old...and yes he is spoiled.  Ok it was more for our entertainment so Melinda and I are the spoiled ones.  Auntie Melinda had a day off and what better way to spend it than at Disney.  So we packed up the kid and went.  It was a perfect day!  A little hot but the crowd was minimal...lines were short...and we had a blast.  We didn't wait longer than 10 minutes for any ride.  Ryden was still super excited about Small World and this time, Melinda got to experience the excitement. 
Here we are on the actual ride...I know he doesn't look interested but he was...I swear
Haunted Mansion time....oooohhhh spooky...
Melinda's friend Valerie and her cousin met up with us for a few rides
Inside the HM
At lunch, Ryden was cracking Melinda up and vice versa (notice food in mouth)

And since Ry is such a big boy he got to walk in line while we were waiting for rides.  He loved hanging on to the poles and did great waiting...
We got stuck on the Peter Pan ride so we decided to fix Ryden's hair

And after that...everytime I tried to take a picture he would shut/roll his eyes
Alice in Wonderland
Everytime we tried to take a self portrait..we always cut out the boy
And finally.....carousel this time he was so tired...almost passed out on the ride
I am sure you are all getting bored of Disneyland pictures but I am sure there will be much more to come!!!