Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Family fun night

A few of the families got together tonight and took the kiddos to Chuck E Cheese.  Although this might not have been my first choice of places to go, it was great to let the kids run around and have fun.  And best part messy clean up!  Ryden had a blast playing all the games, stealing tickets, and hangin' with his homies.
Ryden got to hang with Talia

Jacob &  Gabe
 and of course Chuck E Cheese
He even got to be on Yo Gabba Gabba..and Daddy has no hair
I think one of his favs was driving
and "riding the roller coaster"  Auntie Mel will love that!
And don't forget skee ball and stealing tickets
All tuckered out!
YAY for Chuck E Cheese and good friends!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Ryden made a big step today and no longer wanted to slide with mommy or daddy - but take the ride solo style! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010


WEIGHT:  22.8 lbs
HEIGHT:  Too hard to measure on a kid running around
FAVORITE TOY:  Seems to like playdough..not to play with but to sneak little tastes..I will find him with a green mustache after letting him play with it
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Pushing a shopping cart.  I seem to remember his cousin Ben loving to do this when he was little.  At preschool, that is the toy he heads straight for and will NOT share until mommy makes him
FAVORITE WORDS:  Up, uh-oh, eyes
MILESTONE:  Swinging on the big boy swing.  Talking more jibberish.  Stepping up and down curbs without help.  Riding on the skateboard with no helping hands (daddy running right beside him)
DISLIKES:  Starting to hate Stroller Strides.  Before he would deal with seems to not enjoy the stroller...
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Watching him during sing/story time at preschool.  He is starting to know the songs and gets excited when we sing them.  Gets a huge grin on his face.  Also, with stand up in the middle and shake his hips from side to side with Ayla while the other kids watch and wonder what they are doing. Such hambones!
DAD"S FAVORITE:  Loves that Ryden is interested in skateboarding.   It's like he has died and gone to heaven...and loves to cuddle with the boy

15 seconds of fame

Friday 9/24 I will be making my small screen debut on the show "The Doctors".  Be prepared to see about 15 seconds of just my smiling face with no speaking parts.  Not sure what my role was exactly but who cares.  It was fun!  Check the website for local listings.

I will be charging for autographs soon...haha!

Wedding #3...Candice's day

Our third wedding was that of one of my best friends in the whole world.  Candice got married last weekend in beautiful Laguna Beach and we were there to celebrate.  The weather was perfect and everyone looked stunning!
Candice and her dad
The audience

The scenery
Mr. and Mrs. Candice and Gib Reese
Candice's bridesmaids wore purple and she wanted all of her best girls to wear purple too.  What a great idea!
Jason and Andrew
Some of my girls
The Corner's
More party peeps
1st Dance
The bride and her purple ladies
Me posing with the celebrities of the night
Look Paul!!!  You made the blog :):)
Congrats to Candice and Gib....we love you both and what a wonderful wedding!  Good times

Monday, September 20, 2010

Shower for Megan

I attended the bridal shower for the LOVELY Megan on Saturday.  Her brother works with Jason so we have become bestest friends over the years. I am so excited for her wedding in a few weeks.  The shower was beautiful!  Unfortunately, I had to skedaddle early to attended a wedding in Laguna Beach.
The beautiful hostesses
The cake (which I didn't get a piece of by the way!)
I made up for not eating cake by eating TONS of food
The sister and mother of the bride.  And sweet little Dublin
Me, Sandy, and Megan
The grooms mother with the girls and Dub
What a beautiful shower....can't wait for the wedding!