Saturday, September 11, 2010

Zoo day zoo day

San Diego Zoo here we come...yes it was another hot day...perfect to go to the zoo.  Ryden is in the middle of transitioning to one nap so someone was a fussy frank half the time we were there.  But we did get to see a few animals before we had major melt-down city
                     Here we are on the way...two peas in a pod
Playing on the playground before seeing the animals
Oliver even came for the fun...such a big boy now!
Next stop....the petting zoo
Hi goat....hi goat.....HI GOAT!

Notice the sign
Now notice my child....
Oliver: "Dude! You're going to get in trouble"
Ryden:  "Be COOL man!"
Oliver and Ayla...Ayla seems to not be enjoying the lovely scent of the animals..PU~

The kids favorite part...washing their hands...go figure
Miss Brooke and Oli checking out the ducks and fish

Tuckered out!