Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sea World

Since Jason was hangin' out with his dad all weekend riding Harley's (blog post coming soon), he wanted to spend some quality time with Ryden so what better place to go than Sea World.  That's what I love about many cool things to do with little planning.  It was perfect.  Since most kiddo's are back in school it wasn't crowded at all.  And it was nice and warm outside.  We did it all...
Saw Shamu (and even sat in the Soak Zone but stayed bone dry)
Played in the Bay of Play...
Rode rides
Met Elmo and Cookie Monster (By FAR Ryden's FAVORITE THING!  He went right up to Elmo and gave him the biggest hug...I died it was so cute!!)
Watched the "Pets Rule" far MY favorite show...heck..they train cats and pigs to do tricks!
Laughed a lot with Daddy at lunch
Saw lots of fishes
oohhhhed and ahhhhed
Saw sharks
Rode over the ocean on the sky tram thingy's

Laughed with Daddy some more
And finally...chilled with the penguins...phew!!!  Long day!