Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Tina, my Stroller Strides instructor, was approached by the producers of the show "The Doctors" to have her and a couple of her mommy friends come out for a taping.  The segment is called "motherhood survival".  I was one of the lucky  four moms chosen to go to Hollywood and be filmed.  We set out and had a celebratory drink before hand (and also celebrated fellow mom Stacey's birthday).
When we arrived, we were ushered to a living room set where we were giving a few mommy related topics that we discussed with each other.  There was only one girl filming so it was really like we were all sitting in the comfort of our home talking with our best friends.  And boy did we talk and talk and talk.  This poor girl filming had to take breaks from holding this heavy camera.

  It was such a fun experience and I was glad I got to participate with such other wonderful mommies...
I am not sure of all the details....when we will be on the show?  If we will be on the show?  But I am sure if we are on it will only be for a few seconds.  My 15 minutes of fame shouldn't last too long.  So DVR the show if you are interested in seeing some super awesome moms :)  And look for the segment titled "Motherhood Survival"  If I get more information I will let everyone know.