Thursday, September 23, 2010


WEIGHT:  22.8 lbs
HEIGHT:  Too hard to measure on a kid running around
FAVORITE TOY:  Seems to like playdough..not to play with but to sneak little tastes..I will find him with a green mustache after letting him play with it
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Pushing a shopping cart.  I seem to remember his cousin Ben loving to do this when he was little.  At preschool, that is the toy he heads straight for and will NOT share until mommy makes him
FAVORITE WORDS:  Up, uh-oh, eyes
MILESTONE:  Swinging on the big boy swing.  Talking more jibberish.  Stepping up and down curbs without help.  Riding on the skateboard with no helping hands (daddy running right beside him)
DISLIKES:  Starting to hate Stroller Strides.  Before he would deal with seems to not enjoy the stroller...
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Watching him during sing/story time at preschool.  He is starting to know the songs and gets excited when we sing them.  Gets a huge grin on his face.  Also, with stand up in the middle and shake his hips from side to side with Ayla while the other kids watch and wonder what they are doing. Such hambones!
DAD"S FAVORITE:  Loves that Ryden is interested in skateboarding.   It's like he has died and gone to heaven...and loves to cuddle with the boy