Thursday, April 21, 2011

20 Weeks

Not super awesome picture of me but it was the end of the night.  Oh well.  And yes, this post is a little late.  I am now almost 22 weeks along.  Good news is I am halfway there!  Feeling good about my second BOY!  I am sure everyone knows but we are having another boy.  I'm not going to lie.  I was so certain it was a girl and for a split second I was a little sad.  And now I can't imagine not having another boy.  I had two sisters and I can't wait for Ryden to experience that bond between a sibling let alone a sibling of the same gender.  I love that I will be able to say "My boys".  I love that Ryden will get to teach his brother all his cool tricks (ex: Farting at the dinner table).  Yes I will be outnumbered but my friend Meredith put it a great way when she said I will still be the princess of the house....gotta love that!  We are now on to the difficult task of names.  Since I picked the name Ryden, Jason seems to think he gets to pick the name this time around.  Still needs to be approved by me and we can't agree!  He likes several names including Trey and Drake.  I am diggin' Levin (sounds like Heaven).  Let the battle begin.