Thursday, April 21, 2011

Talia's 2nd Birthday!

I apologize for my recent lack of blogging.  We finally got internet today so I had a valid excuse.  Have a few things to catch up on starting with Miss Talia's 2nd birthday.  Ryden got to see all his little homies and play at the park.  Seems the ladies love RyRy
Birthday girl and Mommy
Can't get enough of running across the draw bridge thingy
or swinging...Ryden stayed on the swings so long that he kept having different visitors
and then Connor
Connor ditched the swings soon after to raid the fruit table...and stayed there for quite some time
Pretty Hello Kitty cake
Found a pine cone and carried it around everywhere
All the preggers in order of due date...Claire is about to pop
Happy Birthday Miss Talia!!