Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter fun

On Saturday, we had a few of the friends come over for a brunch and egg hunt at our house.  There were about 7 little ones running around plus Julie's two older girls.  So much fun!
Boo  not happy she has to be alone outside
Kelsey pushing ALL day activity.  Ryden LOVES Julie's girls
High Fives for Oli
Moses putting some miles on McQueen
Pretty Shiloh
Flying babies
Ryden showing Sam how to beat 'angry birds'
Why do we even attempt the group baby shot?
Ok let's move on to the egg hunt...seems Ryden got a head start

Is that Moses and Ayla being nice to each other??

The mommies...why must I stand so far away from Claire?
The Dad's

If I ever need girl time I will just borrow one of Julie's girls