Saturday, April 23, 2011


FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Making fart noises and playing in his new backyard.  Throwing rocks.  Playing Angry Birds
FAVORITE BOOK:  'Oh the places you'll go' and 'Hungry Caterpillar'
DISLIKES:  Not getting his way.  
CUTE MOMENT:  Every night we brush our teeth and say "no cavities' and then it's off to bed.  Ry was walking over to his crib when he turned around, looked at me and said 'mama kiss'...awww!!!
FUNNY MOMENT:  When asked if he wanted a brother he said 'no'.  When asked what his brothers name should be he said 'cake'.  Cake MacMaster.  Not bad.  Also, the minute he walked into our new bathroom, he went right up to the tub and said 'cool bath!'
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Seeing how smart he is and how much he likes to learn things.  He will always hold something up to me and ask 'this?'  I will tell him and he will repeat it.  Also, at the Dr office the other day he saw an exit sign and pointed out the letters 'E-X-T-I (ok not in order but still).  Dr Biter almost passed out from shock.  He went around to the whole office telling everyone Ryden knew his letters and he wasn't even two.  Proud mama moment.
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Seeing Ryden become quite the climber.  And tossing him in the air.  'Hop High"