Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

My little cow and big Brobee

Ryden was soooo excited to go trick or treating this year
Trevin.....not so much
This was our first year we actually took Ryden trick or treating.  First year he was too small and second year we were driving home from Katie's awesome wedding.  So you can imagine how excited Jason and I were also.  It was SO much fun to watch Ryden go up to each house, quietly tap the door, and hold out his bucket saying 'trick or treat'.  Most people would just hold the bucket out for him to choose some candy and he was always so careful to just pick one piece unless otherwise told.  Occasionally, I saw him sneak an extra lollipop. 

My favorite was when we came to the house below he said:
"Ryry can't go there.  It's too spooky!"
So we skipped that house and moved on.  I think he did pretty good for his first time.