Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yooooo Gabba Gabba!

My dad so graciously watched Trevin while Jason and I took Ryden to his first concert.  And it happened to be the BEST concert ever!!!  Ok, maybe I had a tad bit more fun than Ryden....but what a show!  Dancing, singing, beat boxing, confetti flying, dancey dances, and parties in our tummies.  Too bad Ry held his ears most of the show.  "Too loud" was all he said.  
Our good friend MoMo even tagged along
New friends put a smile on my face...(Gabba song for those who don't know...I know Auntie Mel can sing that song in her sleep!)

The adults went crazy when it was time for Biz's beat of the day.  
Pro skateboarder Bucky Lasek did the dancey dance.  Jason cheered like it was Justin Bieber
It's snowing!  I was pulling this stuff out of my clothes and shoes for days
Ryden's favorite part?  Running in the rain after the show....