Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year we stayed in Cali for turkey day and our friends came to visit from Reno.  Scott and Leslie have a 6 month old daughter who shares a birthday with Ryden.  We had so much fun with them and Ryden loved little Annika.  The day after Thanksgiving we took them to Sea World which was decked out for Christmas.  Too bad it felt more like summer.  It was about 80 degrees!
Posing by all the Christmas stuff
Trev is almost holding his head up completely so he was able to face forward in the Bjorn.  Loved it!  He could see everything
Checking out some polar bears, walrus's, and other sea life
Ryden LOVED watching the Atlantis ride.  He would crack up and yell when the ride plummeted down the hill and made a big splash.  Once, he even stood to close to the splash zone and got a little wet
And of course the Shamu show.  Once again, Ryden loved watching Shamu soak everyone.  Thought it was the funniest thing
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving but missed Teresa, Mel, and Nick.  They were all sick (and I was too!)  Dang flu season!