Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Ryden is officially a big two and a half year old.  Here are some Ryden tidbits:
1)  He is fully potty trained except for at night.  That is the only time we wear a diaper.  He will even go potty on his own without telling us.  All of a sudden he runs naked into the living room carrying his underwear saying "I went potty"
2) He talks our ears off!  And he remembers so much which means you have to watch what you say.  He makes me laugh every single day
3)  Loves loves Blues Clues.  He has his little notebook that he carries around and will re-enact the entire show word for word.
4)  Loves skateboarding even more.  He has his ramps and mini skateboards that he is always playing with doing all the cool tricks Daddy taught him.  Blunt slides, tail grinds, 50/50's, etc.  He is perfectly content playing alone in his room
5)  He is the best big brother.  Always lovin' on his little bro.  Very gentle and caring towards him.
6)  He impresses the ladies.  I took him for his 2 1/2 checkup and the nurses just doted on him the entire time.  "look at his shoes!"  "He's wearing a belt!" "his eyes and smile!"  He just stood there and modeled while they paid him compliment after compliment
 7)  When he is throwing a fit I will give him a look and he will say "Someone is tired" or "I need to take a quiet time"  
8)  He is really such a good boy.  If he does throw a fit its always at home.  Out in public he is a perfect little man.
9)  He knows he is 2 1/2 and will let you know.  When we were driving out to Tucson I told my dad we only have 2 1/2 hours left of driving.  Ryden piped in from the back "I'm TWO AND A HALF!"
10)  He knows how to count.  Put several objects in front of you and he will count how many there are.
 We love you very much Ryden.  What an awesome little man you are turning into