Wednesday, November 30, 2011


WEIGHT:  13lbs
FAVORITE TOY:  Still loves the jungle mat.  He would sit under that thing for hours if you let him.  And he will "talk" so much while he is under it.  Sometimes the talking turns into shouting because he's so excited
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Loves watching his bro.  He stares at him and smiles all the time.  Loves talking and smiling
MILESTONE:  Holding his head up almost on his own.  He can now face forward in the Bjorn which he loves!  He 'stands' up too.  When I have him on my lap he will lock his legs so  he is in a standing position.
DISLIKES:  Tummy time.  He used to love it and now seems to get frustrated when he is on his tummy.  Starting to really dislike the car seat as well.
SLEEP PATTERNS:  So about a week and a half ago we graduated to his big boy crib. So now he sleeps in his very own room and guess what?  He sleeps so much better which means WE sleep so much better.  He is in bed around 8...wakes up around 2 to eat, then right back asleep...and then he is up at around 6.  Usually I can feed him again, take him back to our room, and he cuddles with me on my chest until around 7.  Ryden crawls in bed with us also so the whole fam is in our bed from 6-7 for a sleep in session.
We are in such a good routine now.  Took a few months to establish it but we are rockin' it.  My boys are amazing. I am a lucky mama