Sunday, September 30, 2012


WEIGHT:  20.2 lbs
FAVORITE TOY:  His bike helmet.  He loves grabbing it, putting it on his head, and walking around the house.  A few times I've been in another room and he'll waltz in the room with the helmet on and I die of laughter.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Anything that involves being outside.  So far, he is also digging his mommy/me preschool.  Loves dancing (which really just involves him bending his knees a few times).  Taking things out of cabinets and drawers
MILESTONE:  We have mastered this walking business.  He can also stand up from a seated position with out the assistance of anyone or holding on to anything.  He can drink out of a regular cup (as long as there is only about a millimeter of liquid in it).  No more bottles!!!  (except for a super small one at night which he takes a few sips of and then tosses across the room.  I am still not ready to give that feeding up in fear he won't sleep through the night.)
DISLIKES:  Getting his diaper changed.  Being held.  Getting dropped off at child care at the gym.  I get to work out for about 15 minutes before they come get me because he screams the whole time I'm gone.  
MAMA'S FAVORITE:  Sleeping!!  He does great now.  Goes down easily for naps and bedtime..he puts himself to sleep with no issues.  He seems to actually like naps/bedtime now.  Sleeps all night long and when he wakes up in the morning he usually "talks" instead of screams.  Also, just love his little expressions and how curious he is...
DADA'S FAVORITE:  Loves his laugh...loves the way he snuggles at night right before we put him in his crib.  Loves that he is walking all over the place now.