Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas in Tucson

Christmas morning is spent at Sara and Steve's, ripping open presents...then on to GG's house, to rip open presents.  But before any of that happened, we had to prepare for Santa on Christmas Eve.  First Ry needed a snack before bed and Toby was hoping to share...
He's not looking....go Toby GO!
Then it was off to better sleep through the night Trev...or risk disturbing Santa's work
When we all woke up bright and early the next morning we headed to Papa and Ahwee's fireplace to check if Santa had made an appearance
But Santa knew that we were going to Aunt Sara's house (thanks to Dit), so he took all the presents over there.  I think Ry was most concerned that Dit had eaten some of Santa's cookies
Poor Ben, Emma, and Jacob!  They had to wait for us to come over.  THEN they had to wait while we snapped 50 photos...Trev made a run for it despite Jacob's efforts
Now can we go???
Ry loved his new mailbox!
Ben loved his new ninja turtle sewer set up thingy
Trev loved Ben's new bike
...and stepping on presents
Emma loved her new bike
Papa loved his new skateboarding ramp with his favorite DVD 'Cheese and Crackers'!
The girls loved their new babies
Everyone loved the ball whacker!
Emma loved Ben's turtle thingy also
So did Cindrella
Boys love Dada!
Trevie loves Mama
Harper and Vera love blaming each other
On to the mad house at Grandma's.  How many people can we possibly fit in one living room?  
Trev was done!
Suzanne's turn for twin love.  Mom's turn to photo bomb
Being passed around the whole family and Vera is still smiling
Coloring in coloring books from the 1990's
Emma and Grandma...bff's
Ryden and Auntie Katie.  BBFFF's...