Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Snow day!

We decided to celebrate New Year's Eve in the snow.  This might not have been the best idea because it happened to be pretty darn cold and very windy.  But it was the first time Trev has been in the snow.  The lift ride up to go tubing was BRUTAL!  Trevin screamed (I mean SCREAMED) bloody murder the whole time!  I had to use all my strength to hold him so he wouldn't go waa-whooo-wee off the lift.  Ry made it almost the whole way and then just lost it also.

This was literally the only few seconds he wasn't crying
I'll admit that there were a few times I wanted to cry because the wind was soooo harsh on the face!  Look at poor little Rudolph nose :(
Once we were at the top of the hill, we hid out in the lodge to get warm.  Everyone was much happier after some hot coco
We decided to skip tubing since it was so cold and Trevie was just not havin' it.  I was dreading the lift ride down but it was much easier since the wind wasn't blasting our face.  (Found out a few days later that Trev had an ear infection.  Poor little dude must've been in so much pain!)
He did look pretty cute in his stay-puff outfit though
"I can't put my arms down!!" -Ralphie's brother
Found a pile of snow...
Here Dada
Ry all bundled up...
Snowball fight!!
Teresa joined in the snowball fight
Family photo
Annnnd...lots of pics of the kids