Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Soup's on

Another tradition we had (before everyone moved away), was "Soup Kitchen" at Pa's house on Christmas Eve.  Another tradition we relived this year.  Pa whipped up his famous potato/cheese soup and we all just chilled while the kids ran wild.
Jason sat with the kids and colored

Babies got some Aunt Chris/Grandma lovin'
Ride em' cowboy
Aunt Sara got to hold Trev for a few seconds before he turned all drama queen on her
Hey Ben...draw a silly Christmas tree....Good one
And a thousand thanks to Aunt Katie for bringing cake pops that psycho Trevin screamed for...(after already eating one)
Jacob gave in...
After the sugar set was a mad house.  The kids were running down the hall and sliding...seemed fun.  It was so funny to watch Ben jump out of the room and scare Ry and Trev.  Cousins rule

Time for everyone to leave so Santa can come!