Thursday, January 3, 2013

Random events in Tucson

We ate mushed carrots
We used the 'tickle hands' on everyone
We became worse than the paparazzi
We admired our older cousins
We had a tree decorating party filled with many family members
We looked like we got hit by a train (sleep deprived much Amy??)
We helped Ahwee make pear pie...and sampled a little while we were at it
We got cupcake to hold not one, but TWO babies at the same time!
We had bromances
We played in Big Red
We avoided stepping on 'hot lava'
We watched scooter man in action

We were buddy ol' pals with our older cousins
We got attacked by homemade bears
We won running races...
...And came in dead last
We discovered wrapping paper tubes make the coolest sounds
I hung out with my old elementary school girls
We entertained ourselves with an Iphone (and forgot to put makeup on before taking a picture...ewww)
Thus concludes our Tucson trip