Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Back in the day, all of the girls would spend New Year's Eve at Grandma's house.  The night would consist of homemade confetti...sparkling cider....and trying our hardest to stay awake for the ball drop.  So, while we were all in AZ for this Christmas, we relived the tradition.  It was so amazing!  We did everything the same except the sparkling cider turned into real champagne, and we added matching pj's for the occasion.  
Grandma still had our homemade confetti saved from many years ago!
We sat around the kitchen table and just talked and talked.  One big thing missing....was Grandpa and his homemade popcorn.  We used the old popcorn bowl for confetti instead.
Since we celebrated in December, we had to watch last year's ball drop via Youtube and Grandma's laptop.
3....2....1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  The aftermath
I have never had a New Years that has ever compared to the ones I spent with my Grandma, cousins, and sisters.  I only wish we could repeat it every year.  I love them all very much.