Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ryden update

FAVORITE SONG:  "Change of heart" by Cyndi Lauper thanks to Grandma T-Dawg.
FAVORITE DVD:  He is really into Jungle Book right now.  He also loves the Disney Sing-a-longs
FAVORITE THING TO WEAR:  So the converse shoes in the above picture...I had put those in Trev's closet because I thought they no longer fit Ryden.  The other day he dug them out and made me put them on him.  He says they still fit and now he wants to wear them every day.  Also, his checkered vans were in the same situation.  Every day he tells me "thank you for the new shoes mama".  Easy to please
SO IN:  Loves stickers.  Arts and crafts consist of him sticking a bunch of stickers on a piece of paper.  He also loves writing the letters 'R', 'P', and 'B'.  We are working on the rest of the alphabet.  Loves playing baseball and basketball in the backyard
SO OUT:  Store.  We used to play this game at least once a day but I think he has moved on.
FUNNY STUFF:  Ryden was doing something he wasn't suppose to (can't remember what it was) so I was talking to him telling him not to do whatever it was he was doing.  He looked at the ground, quickly cut me off, and said "Ohhhh Mama....your toenails are beautiful.  You got a new color!"...yes I had just gotten a pedicure.  Needless to say, I stopped "scolding" him and had a full on convo about my toes.  Well played Ryden....well played

Love this kid!