Monday, April 1, 2013


WEIGHT:  23lbs
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Playing bowling in the backyard with his brother.  Loved riding the gondola when we went to Mammoth.  Running, jumping, yelling.  Loves getting tickled by Papa.  Playing on the ipad and iphone  
FAVORITE WORDS:  MAAAAA!  Baaa!  Pop-pop (Lolipop) of few words.  He also like to whisper "papa" while papa was in town
DISLIKE:  Getting his diaper changed.  Getting man handled by his friend Mila.  She kept trying to hug and kiss him until he finally pushed her away!
MOM'S FAVORITE:  He is finally starting to calm down a little.  Less whiney.  Getting much better at restaurants where we can actually semi-enjoy a meal.  He will usually wake up super early and I will go in there and lay with him for another hour or so.  I love this morning snuggle time.
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Def watching him in the snow.  Trev was just amazed because he has never seen it actually snowing before.  I do believe Trev is going to be Jason's sports guy...they will have fun snowboarding together