Monday, July 8, 2013

Father's Day and the 4th

I'm a little late with the Father's Day post but we had such a chill day.  It was more like Ryden's Day because we went bowling.  Ry's dream!
And then we really just hung out at the was nice and calm.  Lots of Daddy time for the boys which they always love!
Fourth of July wasn't very crazy for us either (can't say the same for the rest of South in a Beach City you get to experience all of the people having a little too much fun).  We started the day out with some popsicles and then headed to the beach since it was a gorgeous day!
Yeah....I didn't do very well on the picture taking!  A few of our friends came over for dinner and after they left, we headed back down to the beach to watch the fireworks.  Tons of memories came flooding back to me.  Watching the fireworks every year on Mission I was very happy that we live so close to a beach to continue the beach firework tradition.  It was a tad cold but both the boys lasted all the way until after 9pm when the fireworks finally started...
Jason trying to entertain Trevin while waiting for the show to start
Ryden covered his ears BEFORE the fireworks even started...
Trying to keep warm...
We stayed for maybe 10 minutes of the show and then high tailed it out of there to beat the crowd of people.  Seriously...they were everywhere!  On our walk home we passed by several bands playing, people chanting "USA", and homemade fireworks being set off.  Ahh reminded me of the good ole days...right Cody?
Happy 4th!!