Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crazy Marcy comes for a visit

One of my bestest friends from Tucson talked me into getting tickets for the Justin Timberlake/Jay Z tour.  And BOY am I glad she did.  She came out a few days before the concert to just hang.  We laughed, talked, drank too many martini's, and danced to Nsync (like the olden days).  I even made her ride a bike to go get dinner one night.  Wish I had that on video!
Since she has three kids of her own, she was the best because she didn't mind when I made her hang with my kids half the day.  The boys loved her!  She even rode the tilt-a-hurl with Ryden....scoring major points with him

Poor Trev...not tall enough
Marcy flipped when she saw this egg machine.  She remembered them from the olden days.  So I gave them each a quarter and guess what the prize was for all three eggs?  A SKATEBOARD KEYCHAIN!  Perfect for my boys (hence Ryden's expression in the bottom picture and Trev trying to jack Marcy's)
One more ride before heading home
Then it was time!!!  Justin and Jay Z here we come!!!
Marcy and I were dying from excitement on the ride up!  It was like a blast from the past when we used to go to our Nsync and Britney concerts...
All the girls waiting to get inside
After waiting almost an HOUR just to get inside the gates...we were finally in!
Too bad we waiting almost another two hours before the show even started!  Yeah...a little behind schedule there Mr. JT.  But we entertained ourselves
We had pretty good seats.  Once the concert started we managed to sneak up to the seats right in front of the wall.  We were ALMOST able to jump over the wall and make a mad dash for the floor seats...but we decided against getting in trouble that night.  We aren't youngins' anymore. 
I had an absolute BLAST at this concert.  Marcy is by far one of the best person to go to a concert with.  She is so much fun, dances, wants to sneak to the front, doesn't care what people think...I just love her!  We are now planning our next JT concert...not joking..