Friday, July 5, 2013


WEIGHT:  24lbs
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Watching ABC's on the ipad.  Flipping and jumping in the trampoline with his bro.  Playing "Castle" with Ryden....this is where they pile all of the pillows on the bed and jump around.  Have no idea where "Castle" came from.  Anything to do with skateboarding.  Going to the beach.  
FAVORITE WORDS:  We are starting to say more and more now.  He says "Boo" which can mean Molly (Boo) or blue.  He says "awt" which means hot or hat.  He can say Apple, more, no (very clear on that one), yellow (not so clear), eye-eye (RyRy), Ba which means ball or bug.  
FAVORITE BOOK:  My dad recorded his voice in this Elmo book.  Trevin thinks it's so funny to hear Papa's voice
DISLIKE:  Not having his monkey or paci when he wants them.  Being cold.  Wearing suspenders (hence the sad face in the above picture), watching TV (he will sit for a few minutes and then get uber bored)
MOM'S FAVORITE:  He hasn't learned how to say yes...instead he does this cute little uh-huh word.  I asked him if he wants to do something and he will either do a deep and long Noooo...or quiet uh-huh.  It's really quite cute.  He is also still a mama's boy which I enjoy.  Loves to cuddle on mama or be held.
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Wrestling with him.  Seeing how active Trev is.  Took him in the ocean the other day and Trev didn't want to get out.  Kept pointed at the ocean saying "more" when Jason tried to bring him in.

**I cannot believe Trevin is almost two.  As much as I want time to hurry up when I'm dealing with fits, whining, and misbehaving...I have to remember that those times are just as precious.  I love this little boy even with all of the headaches he as given me.  He has the best personality!