Monday, July 22, 2013

Jason and Sandy get hitched

Jason used to work with Jason in the Airspeed days.  We got to watch him marry the beautiful Sandy this weekend.  What a fun time we had!  A little too much fun since Teresa was amazing (as usual) and watched the boys overnight for us!
Riding in the stretch limo to the wedding...which was an HOUR behind schedule due to a flat tire.  Poor bride!
Still waiting for the ceremony to start...everyone was happy though.  Could be because they were serving up the drinks...
Me and Cara..
Let the show begin...nervously waiting
The Mama and Step Dad
Cutest flower girls
Here comes the bride....she was absolutely stunning!!
Mr. and Mrs. Arriola
Me and my handsome date
Jeff and Cara
And then we switched...Jeff and Jason
...and the two blondies
Let the party begin...and boy do these peeps know how to PARTY!
Jason's sister Megan...and myself.  I just adore her!  And her amazing faux eyelashes
And don't even get me started on the Bride....another one of my favs!
Jason's Mama
The bridesmaids wore black I am trying to pose as one.  I think I fit in nicely
...annnnnd the limo ride back to the bus!!  What a great time.  I just love Jason and Sandy and the whole Arriola family.  So glad we got to share this special day with them...