Sunday, July 7, 2013

Summer is here

With summer comes lots of fun activities.  
Popsicles with Annabelle and Sadie
Trevin's last day of Mommy/me...which he slept through most of.  At least he woke up to give Elmo one last hug
Hangin' out at the Lagoon again
Flying kites
Ry got to spend a few days at Grandma's which meant for several cool activities.  One being, making a volcano!
Dressing like twinsies!!
Mila loves Ryden so much!
Had a playdate at my house...SIX boys total!  (only five pictured).  The two moms that came over also have two boys same ages as mine...crazy fun!  Adam wasn't happy.  I believe this was after Andrew called him a cry baby poo poo head...sweet
More girls to hang out with....Sofia and Petra came over..this meant I got to do some girlie things, like get my hair did!
Pretend city!  Boys LOVE this place
We lost Trevin's favorite monkey at Target.  God bless the person that turned it in so we could collect it the next day.  Dang monkey!  Ma and Pa will know the feeling...miniature Garfield ring a bell?  
Concert in the Park with our homies...the Shabani's.  
And of course.....ghetto water slides into pools.  And a ghetto pool at the beach
Fun in the sun!