Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Random events taken from my iphone

Playground life
The greatest mini sandbox toy
 Mom's night out
 Chillin' with Olivia at her house
Ella, Trevin, and Frozen
 Ryden reading to his brother
 Arts and Crafts with our favorite babysitter Lizzie
 Trev and Mila watching gymnastics class
 Always passed out in the car
Swim classes
 Happy Birthday Koa
 Pop pops!
 Happy Birthday Dada
 Creepy Easter bunny
 Hangin' with Tessa and some balloon animals
Ice cream from Papa
 Date night with the Smiths
Selfies with Trevie
 Happy Birthday Carmela & Finley
 Backyard picnic with Riley
 Dinner play date with the Smiths
 Sunbathin' in the sun
 Happy Birthday Emma
 Mother's Day selfie
 Cute little friends
 Melt my heart Trevin and Petra
 Watching Dada play baseball
 New picnic table from Grandma
 Baby skateboard
 Pier to Pier stationary bike race
 ....and doughnuts
 Happy Birthday Casey
 Because everyone takes a murder mystery book with them on our walk to preschool
 Sneaky cake stealers
 Listening to John jam on Memorial Day
 John's beach house party
 Making new friends