Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ryden turns FIVE!

I still can't believe we have a five year old.  I need to stop blinking or he is going to be in college!  Ry had a fun birthday starting with chocolate chip pancakes (his request).  Then he got to celebrate with his preschool homies.
Dada got to come to the classroom and read a book to the kids.  This was a perfect job for Jason.
 Trevin was SOO in heaven sitting there with all the kids.  He is ready to be in preschool.
 After story time, Jason handed all the kids 50% off cards for Skechers.  I have never seen kids so excited over a piece of paper.
Then it was CUPCAKE time!
I got to sit next to my buddy Kyle.  Every time I see him at preschool he shouts "Hey Amy!"  Then proceeds to ask if we can have a play date at our house....so pretty much every day he is asking to come over.
 The kids LOVED Jason because he is so animated and fun...and you can tell he had a good time as well.
After preschool we waited on pins and needles for Grandma to come over.  And she came bearing fun gifts.
And then....it was PARTY TIME!  We had it at Scooter's Jungle..and indoor pump up place.
 The kids had a blast!
 And so did the adults
Jared taking a selfie on the way down
Trev going backwards
 The birthday boy
Ryden, Joshua, and Koa
 My best friend...Tessa
 Petra and Trev just kickin' it
 Some of the men
 Us poor ladies getting photo bombed (why am I wearing a tent?)
The whole gang!
 Time for cake and pizza
 Go Tessa GO!
 Ry had this grin on his face the entire time we were singing Happy Birthday
 Sharing his candles with his girl Ava.  Her mom told me when they were getting ready Ava said "Hurry up mom!  We can't be late for my boyfriend's party!"  cute
 The only group shot we got...sorry Jason and your closed eyes
 "Ryan" and Mila
 We had such a great time celebrating and are so lucky to have such great friends and family who love our five year old as much as we do.