Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother's Day tea

Today, Jason took Trevin to work with him for an hour so I could go with Ryden to his preschool for a Mother's Day tea.  It was so fun hanging out with my boy....and the famous Ava.
Most of the other boys were off together being destructive.  Ryden was quietly sitting by Lilly and Ava...playing magnet-forms (or something like that)  
Then they all got together and sang an updated version of You are my Sunshine.  I almost cried.
After the song was over, everyone ran over to their mom's with a present.  Ryden had made a beautiful thumbprint necklace and also wrote down some of my favorite things.  "My mom always says...." is my favorite.  And he got my age exactly right!
 When I came to pick him up later in the day, Miss Christina told me he was extra polite and sweet today so he got to be the line leader.  Man!  I love this kid.