Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mother's Day

Mother's Day weekend was awesome.  We went with a few couples (and their kids) to Palm Desert and hung out by the pool the whole day.  The kids had floaties on the whole time and were loving the water so we had so much chill time.  I barely took any pictures because I was having so much fun in the pool.
Shawn was bombarded by all the little monsters
Olivia, Sofia, and Ryden sharing some snacks
...and Trevin trying to catch some shut eye
These three!  They had so much fun!
The place had an awesome little baby pool that the adults just sat around while the kids splashed and played some dog game
 Tessa was having a melt down and the only way she stopped crying was when I was taking selfies....My kinda girl
Trev and Tessa played together for about 30 seconds...then she took his hat and went about her business
After swimming the entire day....the kids were zoned!
....aaannnd OUT!
The next morning, we went to the pool but it was like Gone With the Wind!  So we decided to pack up and head out to breakfast and then the Children's Museum.
Trev took the jelly basket at breakfast and said "Mama picnic!"
And oh the endless fun at the museum!
 Most of our time was spent in the grocery store and pizza parlor
 Way to take one for the team Jared...nice vest
 Trevin spent a lot of time putting these large books in the back of this car.  We had such a good weekend with all our friends and the kiddos.  What a lucky mom I am!