Monday, May 19, 2014


I haven't been to Disney at all this year (record for me!) so I begged Jason to take the day off.  We took Ry for an early birthday celebration.  The tram ride is always a good time.
The first thing we did last time was head to the fast pass line for Cars.  So we did that again.  I stood in line while Jason took the boys on the Mater ride.
We stayed in California Adventure and hit up some of the rides before we had to use our Cars fast pass.  We just might have picked the worst day to go to Disney.  It was SOOO hot!  While standing in line, we were trying to hide in any shade possible.
Ry requested the Little Mermaid ride
 Ry is tall enough for most of the rides...but poor Trev is not.  So Ry got to go on the swings solo...with Dada.
 While they were having fun, Trev and I waited in line for the ferris wheel.
 It was just a tad bit windy at the top
 After that...we had lunch, rode Cars, and then headed over to Disneyland.  Another reason we picked a bad day to go?  Pirates, Small World, Toon Town roller coaster, etc...were all closed!  So we decided to take a rest and chow down on some lollipops. 
After downing all that sugar, Trev passed out.  All Ryden kept talking about was Splash Mountain.  We had gotten a fast pass but couldn't use it for another few hours.  The wait said 45 minutes.  Jason decided just to wait in line with Ryden since I could stay with sleeping beauty Trevin.
 Well, the wait ended up being over an hour.  RIGHT before they were about to get on the ride it broke down!!!
 The workers said they didn't know when it would work again.  The crowd had the choice to wait without knowing how long.  Poor Ryden had been waiting so long and really wanted to ride so they decided to just wait.  Everyone else took off....
 Good thing they finally got it working.  Ry was first in line for that shizzle!
They were the only ones on the boat thingy.  The whole ordeal ended up taking almost two hours...meanwhile, Trev slept the whole time.
 Because of that, J got a fast pass to use for any ride at any time.  So he took Ry on Star Tours for the first time.  He loved it!
 Annndd then there is Trevin....too short to ride anything fun!  So he will just play in Pooh's garden
 Time for some Buzz Lightyear
 It finally came time to use our fast pass for Splash Mountain so I took Ryden while Jason took Trev on the Jungle Cruise
 Ry and I waited about 5 minutes this time and then we were on the ride.  Much better!
 Someone got a little wet
 Trev just had to watch all the people come down...keep eating those vegetables kid!
 One more first ride for Ryden...Big Thunder Mountain.  I thought he would love it....
 Seemed excited
 After he said he didn't like it because there were a couple of dark tunnels.  I told him it was Ahwee's favorite.  Still didn't change his mind.
 Family pic in front of the castle
 Teacup time!
 Ryden wanted to go by Small World to make sure it was closed for least the lights were on but it was for reals not working
Maybe next time Ryden....