Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day fun

We had some friends over to our house on Memorial Day.  The weather was beautiful, so we set up the new water slide pool Ryden got for his birthday.  The kids went nuts!
 Carmela & Finley weren't so sure...
...and Tessa was not happy.  I think she wanted her paci.
 Mila and Mama
 Finley was much happier on Ryden's bike
 Oh Olivia and Ryden.  Too cute!
 When Courtney and I first started hanging out, I would have to keep a close watch on Trevin because he wanted NOTHING to do with Mila and would bite her if she got to close.  My how times have changed.  Now, they walk around together shouting "Mia...Tevy"  It's really quite adorable.
 The dudes
 The ladies
 Oh how I love Miss Tessa.  Earlier she was having a major melt down and Angie told me it's because I had walked away and she didn't know where I was going.  "Where Amy go??"  We are bff's
 Ry and Trev...the last men standing on the slide.  Nice action shot of Trev.  Whoa doggies!
 And then the dinner chaos started.  Ten kids to feed.  Have mercy!
 There they are again....
 Silly faces!
 Ugh I look hideous in this pic but love that Finn posed with me.
 There are always plenty of arts and crafts going on at our house
 Carmela was afraid of Molly so she only got to make a few appearance while being held.  This was very traumatizing for her because she loves the peeps!
 Guys always shootin' hoops
 See what I mean??
 Although this pic looks like the old Trev...is he choking her?  At least she is still laughing
 Danny is always making fun of me for all the pictures I take so I decided to annoy him and make him take a pic with me.
 Jason let the water out of the slide and the kids still played on it...What a hit that was!  Such a fun day with good friends.