Thursday, January 8, 2015


We spent the night in Payson and then the next morning, we headed to Flagstaff.  We got a rather late start, so by the time we got there, checked into the hotel, and ate lunch, it was pretty late.  So, we decided just to go on an evening stroll and enjoy the pretty scenery.  We went to a place called Buffalo Park.
 There wasn't any snow (except for a few patches on the ground) but it was still very cold.  But we still enjoyed our leisurely stroll.
We picked up several pine cones along the way...
...and Teresa nabbed a great walking stick...score!
 Oh how I love the 'casually walking away' pictures.
And I also love the 'take my picture but don't make it look like I want my picture taken' pictures.
The other boy would not take a picture with me.  But Trev took one for the team.
 Karate choppin' mountains
 They had these work out stations placed around the walk.  Of course, we had to stop at every one and complete our exercise.
 "Carry me!"
 These pictures always get me.  I just love when they don't know that I've captured such a special moment.
 We were all frozen by the time we got back to the hotel, so it was bath time to defrost.