Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Payson, AZ

Years ago, before we had kids, Teresa took us on this amazing walk around a lake in Payson, AZ.  So we decided to re-visit the area with the boys.  After we left Tucson, we picked up Teresa (who had flown in from TX after visiting Melinda and Nick) and headed to the snow.  The boys loved it even if it was super duper cold outside.
 Their favorite was to grab a snowball and throw it at the camera..
Trevin's gloves were ridiculously big, but that seemed to be his only concern.
 The lake was frozen and another favorite activity was to throw huge rocks to try and break the lake ice.
Teresa has quite the rock ready for launching..

 Trevin's favorite activity was to eat the snow.  Hope it wasn't yellow.
 Ryden and Grandma went around making more snowballs.
 Dada and Trevin
Jason is makin' it snow...
 More homemade snow cones for Trevin
 Family shot
 The boys and their Skechers
 Trev made the mistake of grabbing snow with his bare hands.  It was all over from there.  Frozen and crying.  Goodbye snow....for now.